Tags: healthcare workers nurse Nurse Education nurse's responsibility virtual learning
This article describes the importance of developing a well-structured orientation for virtual nurses. It also outlines components to include in a virtual nursing orientation.
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Today many colleges are increasingly using online approach to provide effective and easily accessible education to attract students from wide geographic areas and increase enrollment. The virtual professor is constantly required to monitor and supervise students who are not visible in a virtual learning community.
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My philosophy of teaching learning revolves around the profound belief of Peter (1965). I strongly believe there are certain responsibilities of teachers to make teaching learning effective. First of all, educators must create a difference between education and teaching. Secondly, teaching learning process must be student centered. It must provide opportunity to students to learn according to their interest and needs. Further, students are also responsible for their own learning. Based on my teaching learning philosophy, I can recommend to bring immediate change in our teaching learning environment we need power and authority which now I can bring as a nurse educator.
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